Your Single-Source Solution for Exceptional Sheet Metal Enclosures

Ask anyone on our team about sheet metal enclosures, and you’ll hear, “We LOVE custom enclosures. Bring ‘em on!”

Serving industries from recycling to semiconductors, medical devices to robotics, Sweeney Metal Fabricators is every engineer’s one-stop, single-source solution for the fabrication, machining, and assembly of complex enclosures.

Sweeney’s Approach to Fabricating Superior Sheet Metal Enclosures

We didn’t set out to be enclosure experts, yet our New Hampshire metal fabrication shop has earned a reputation as the premier fabricator of exceptional custom metal enclosures. 

This journey began nearly three decades ago when we expanded our fabrication shop to include full-service CNC machining. With this critical capability in-house, we had the full skill set necessary for making enclosures from start to finish. 

“The quality was horrible”

On paper, an enclosure’s individual components seem simple enough to make, but it’s during the assembly process that an enclosure’s true quality is revealed.

Customers began contacting us to “take a look” at other shops’ “perfectly made” enclosure parts that simply didn’t fit together. We’d discover improper angles, misaligned doors, and kinking hinges. In most cases, every part perfectly matched its blueprint, yet the quality and consistency were horrible.

We knew there was only one way to help these customers obtain the enclosures they needed and deserved. Sweeney had to become their single-source solution.

A craftsman’s approach to custom enclosures 


As we assessed enclosure after enclosure, the problem was evident. Manufacturers were following the instructions and meeting the requirements, but they weren’t taking a craftsman’s approach to creating superior enclosures. The individual parts were made to spec, but tolerance stackup issues during assembly revealed major problems with fit and functionality.

Here at Sweeney, we adopted a holistic approach to fabricating custom metal enclosures. We take full ownership of the process, performing regular fit checks throughout manufacturing and adjusting tolerances to account for stackup.

Today, customers come to us hoping for a slight improvement over their previous enclosure manufacturing experiences. What they get doesn’t just exceed their expectations; our finished units set unanticipated standards for what’s possible with sheet metal enclosures.

Simple Solutions for Complex Enclosures

When customers ask how we do what we do, our response is simple: “We don’t take shortcuts.” And it’s true: we overcome every enclosure issue we encounter with close attention to detail, expert engineering insights, and continual quality assurance.

One recent example of our expertise involved a company that sought to have their enclosures made at Sweeney’s US facility instead of outsourcing manufacturing to China. Upon inspecting the enclosures made by the previous manufacturer, we discovered deep scratches surrounding two of the interior holes. When we inquired about the damage, the customer explained that they’d been manually filing those areas to address fit issues with the mechanism housed by the enclosure.

The fix, however, was simple. “We’ll just put countersink holes there, instead,” we explained. And with a single straightforward revision, the company’s enclosure went from being an assembler’s worst nightmare to a streamlined success.

At Sweeney, We Know Enclosures

Ranging from the size of a shoebox to the dimensions of an old-school telephone booth, enclosure assemblies include numerous holes and brackets along with doors, drawers, handles, shelves, and windows. Multifaceted and labor-intensive, custom enclosures require expert fabrication and machining in order to fit elegantly once assembled. 

Furthermore, we provide services beyond basic enclosure fabrication. Through our integration with GTR Manufacturing, we also provide full mechanical and electromechanical assembly and testing for whatever your enclosure houses. 

Investing in excellence

Sweeney’s exceptionally crafted sheet metal enclosures may exceed the costs quoted by other manufacturers, but our customers agree that the cost is more than justified by our quality. “We paid a little more, but we got exactly what we asked for,” customers often tell us. “We got it on time, and it looks great because you care.”

Tested and ready

When you obtain custom metal enclosures from our New Hampshire metal fabrication shop, you get a completed product that fits together beautifully and functions as intended. Tested and ready for installation, our enclosures won’t just meet your needs; they’ll make you a Sweeney convert for life!

Get your quote.


A New Era of Efficiency: Enhancing the Prototype to Production Process


Collaboration: Sweeney’s Secret to Optimized Manufacturability